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1. 如果太过挑剔,没有耐心,斤斤计较的买家,请止步!( 图片只供参考。)
Buyers that are too picky, impatient and particular, please go no further. ( Picture for illustration purposes only.)

2. 买家在订购前,必须先询问看是否还有现货。 
Ask us first if we have ready stock of a particular product.

Sincerelity is our main concern in business. For those who have no confident with online purchase, please do not buy, as we have no time to reply all this question.

4) 每一个订单的最低交易额为RM10
Minimum order is rm10 

5)请把产品货号,颜色(如果产品里有注明的话),数量,e-mail 到 gemininiell@live.com ,或 sms 到 017-3224322 (Daniel) / 017-6382486 (Wendy)
Please email or sms us product code , color  and quantity of product you want to purchase. Our email is gemininiell@live.com. Or call to 017-3224322 (Daniel)/017-6382486 (Wendy) for any inquiries

6)我们目前所提供的汇款银行是, MAYBANK (DANIEL LOW THIAM SOON ,1142 4435 0724),请记得、再记得、再再记得一定要在汇款当天尽快通知我们或SMS到 017-3224322。还有一定要把汇款单号保留,以方便日后查询。
Please notify us on the same date of payment. If we do not receive your notification, the money will be confiscated. Do remember to keep the bank slip too for later references.  

* 请说明你的名字,汇款金额、汇款号码和汇款日期。
* Please specify name, amount transferred, reference number and date.   

7)西马的顾客如果购买少于RM100需要付SKYNET 的邮费RM5.00. 西马顾客如果购买超过rm100免SKYNET邮费。至于东马顾客可以选择skynet或者pos malaysia. 
For west Malaysia customer , purchase above rm100 is entitled to free delivery using skynet while rm5 postage will be charged if purchase below rm100. For east Malaysia customer, you can choose either skynet or pos malaysia.

* 由于东马邮费7月1日起涨价了,邮费是根据重量收费,所以具体邮费请先咨询客服.
* Start 1st July onward, Postage fees for pos malaysia parcel increased, postage feed are fluctuated depending weight of parcel. So please refer to customer service to check for postage fees.

After receive payment, will try our best to sent out parcel. If can't, we will sent out the next day.

If we find out product is out of stock after you have made payment, we will refund you, or you can choose to replace with another product. Sorry for any inconvenience.

10) 注意:全部货100%正品哦!怀疑者请勿买!
Warning: All products are 100% real.
Do not buy if in doubt.
所有护肤品或化妆品属于特殊产品,效果及是否会引起过敏是因人而异的,请谨慎购买!如果 购买后,“皮肤敏感”、“不喜欢”、"不适合我"。。一律不接受!谢谢!
Please be aware of your own skin allergies and sensitivity before buying. We will not take responsibility and complains should the product cause you allergies and discomfort.

No bargaining will be entertained.


RM38 - RM 67.99(任选一个)

RM68 - RM87.99(任选两个)

RM88 - RM149.99




3)如果您买RM238的话,我们会帮您分解成RM150 + RM88,所以您会得到RM150的赠品 + RM88的赠品 + 来买就送的赠品。(别忘了满RM100以上还有免邮费哦~!超值的啦~!呵呵~!)